
IgG and IgE tests

>> Sunday, January 25, 2009

Food allergies, sensitivity, and intolerances affect many children with ADHD and ASD. The type of allergy least likely to cause behavioral symptoms is food allergies with symptoms of sneezing, hives, and wheezing. Children with ADHD and ASD typically have a combination of sensitivities, and intolerances. These will emerge as a result of poor digestion and/or poor absorption of specific food substances. 

There are two types of tests that are given to test for certain types of allergies. Th IgG (immunoglobulin G) detects intolerances such as those found in lactose, fructose, or other carbohydrate sugars, phenols, salicylates, gluten (in celiac disease). Intolerances to products of abnormal digestion such as opiate peptides from milk/casein, gluten, and soy. I'd say this would be the test for a GFCF diet for autism to find their intolerances

Antibodies in the body which result in traditional allergies are called IgE (immunoglobulin E). They typically trigger the release of histamines. Antibodies that result in one type of sensitivity are IgG antibodies. Their reactions are different so the testing is different.

The most confusing comes from the IgE tests. The results are fast because of the symptoms of wheezing, hives, etc. For example a peanut allergy, because you know when someone eats peanuts it can cause a life threatening reaction.

I believe that the IgG tests would benefit my boys because these are categorized as food sensitivities that result in physical symptoms. Boy do we ever have enough of these in our household. These IgG sensitivities can also result in many types of symptoms and they are as listed:

1.)General symptoms: fatigue and food cravings
2.)Skin symptoms: eczema, unexplained rashes, allergic shiners(dark circles under the eyes.
3.)Digestion symptoms: stomachaches, loose stools or diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea and constipation.
4.)Respiratory symptoms: mucus production and congestion
5.)Immune inflammatory and audio-immune reactions
6.)Cardiovascular symptoms: abnormal pulse and elevated blood pressure
7.)Neurologic symptoms: headaches (e.g. migraines), ringing in the ears, tingling and dizziness.
8.)Psychological symptoms: depression, mood disorders, and panic attacks.
9.) Behavior/Development symptoms: ADHD symptoms (decreased attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity), mood swings, irritability, anxiety, autism symptoms (poor eye contact, social withdrawal, decreased language, obsessions, repetitive behaviors).

I would like to thank the authors of "The Kid Friendly ADHD&Autism Cookbook authors Pamela Compart, and Dana Laake for having such an informative book that I can use to share information with you. 

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