
Back On You Go

>> Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Last Friday, I received a note from Devin's Special Ed teacher that said that he was having problems at school. He just can not focus and get his work done creating a bad day for him. So the weekend went on, and then yesterday (Monday) I received a call from his teacher. They were concerned about his progress since he is starting to fall behind again. As some remember, I had taken Devin off of his ADHD medicine to see how he would do about three weeks ago.

I had originally taken him off due to the red ring around his mouth. The boy's former therapist was concerned about the red ring on Eddie, and then later Devin started having it. She had explained that his medication could be causing it. Eddie was on Adderall, and is not showing any problems being off of it yet. The red ring has cleared up some, so I am not sure if it was the medicine or not. Then again winter may be causing the problem...who knows.

Obviously, Devin is not doing to good. So, back on you go. I had really wanted him to try to get off of the meds, but he is not handling it very well. I have not seen any side effects in him from taking Strattera so that is great. I am hoping that when he finally gets the meds back into his system that he will be able to cope better. He has gone so far in school, and his teachers and I do not want to see him fall behind, so I have decided to put him back on again. I will be sure to keep you updated if we still have a problem with him at school, but I believe that he will get better in the coming days.

2 special comments:

Jen January 12, 2010 at 1:12 PM  

Is it possible the red ring is caused by chewing around his mouth? My fella gets this and during the winter the cold chaps the skin he has been chewing. I am amazed at where he can get his teeth, to be honest. Anyway, its just a thought, most likely not the cause for your boys. I hope the return to meds goes well. Jen

Chubskulit Rose January 12, 2010 at 3:56 PM  

So sorry about your little young man Amanda, hope he gets well soon and get back in track of his schooling.

I updated your url and also added it on my Nostalgic blog, just check it out when you're free.

Stay warm!
