
Old Teddy IS Five Years Old

>> Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here is Old Teddy who has been part of our family and Devin's life since he was one years old. So that would make Old Teddy five years old. So happy birthday Old Teddy. We hope that you have many more great long years with us. Devin really socializes with his teddy bears. It has helped this young autistic child learn the value of love. I remember the day that we got Old Teddy. We went to Toys R Us to buy something for the kids, and I thought that I would try a teddy bear on Devin. I showed him two that he could get. I remember the look on his little face when he chose. He was going to choose correctly, and he did. Now we would like to share his love and friendship with you as well. He looks really worn out by Devin. He really loves this guy. He wanted me to add his teddy to my blog, so I thought that I would use it in a post. He is so sweet when he plays with Old Teddy. They are best friends for sure.

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1 special comments:

Tammy April 7, 2009 at 9:34 AM  

My son has a Tigger that talks, and loves him. He has had him since he was about 2 years old. It is showing it's wear, but I can not get rid of it. He loves it too much.